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Wang Bei

NameWang Bei

Technical postAssociate Professor

Addressroom Main A 104



2004-2008,   Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Major: Biotechnology, B.S.
  2008-2010, Jiangsu University, Major: Food, Oil and Vegetable Protein   Engineering, M.S.
  2010-2014, Jiangsu University, Major: Food Science, Ph.D.
  2011-2013, University of California, Davis, Major: Food Processing, Visiting   Student

Professional   Experience

2014 – now,   Jiangsu University, Associate professor
  2015.10-2017.3 University of California, Davis, Postdoc

Scientific Research Field

Food physical   processing technology

Social academic post and honor

2017 Excellent   young teacher of Jiangsu University

Teaching Courses

Graduate   students: Food Physics ProcessingFood Chemistry

Published   papers

Year 2019
  1.Feifei Xu, Bei Wang*, Chen Hong, Shabuerbieke Telebielaigen, Fang Zhong,   Yuqing Duan. Optimization of spiral continuous flow-through pulse light sterilization   for Escherichia coli in red grape juice by response surface methodology, Food   Control, 2019 105: 8-12
  Year 2018
  1.Bei Wang, Noreen Mahoney, Ragab Khir, Cunshan Zhou, Zhongli Pan*, Haile Ma.   Degradation kinetics of aflatoxin B1 and B2 in solid medium by using pulsed   light irradiation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018,   98(14): 5220-5224
  2.Yongwen Jiang, Jinjie Hua, Bei Wang, Haibo Yuan, Haile Ma*. Effects of   Variety, Season, and Region on Theaflavins Content of Fermented Chinese   Congou Black Tea, Journal of Food Quality, 2018, 1-9.
  Year 2017
  1.Bei Wang, Yanyan Zhang, Chandrasekar Venkitasamy, Bengang Wu, Zhongli Pan*,   Haile Ma**, Effect of pulsed light on activity and structural changes of   horseradish peroxidase. Food Chemistry, 2017, 234: 20-25
  2.Lei Zhang, Cunshan Zhou*, Bei Wang, Abu El-Gasim A. Yagoub, Haile Ma*, Xiao   Zhang, Mian Wu, Study of ultrasonic cavitation during extraction of the   peanut oil at varying frequencies. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017,   73:106-113
  Year 2016
  1.Bei Wang, Tingting Meng, Haile Ma*, Yanyan Zhang, Yunliang Li, Jian Jin,   Xiaofei Ye. Mechanism study of dual-frequency ultrasound assisted enzymolysis   on rapeseed protein by immobilized Alcalase. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2016,   32: 307-313
  2.Bei Wang, Ragab Khir, Zhongli Pan*, Delilah Wood, Noreen E. Mahoney, Hamed   El-Mashad, Bengang Wu, Haile Ma, Xingrong 投注平台. Simultaneous decontamination   and drying of rough rice using combined pulsed light and holding treatment.   Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2016, 96(8): 2874-2881
  3.Bei Wang, Noreen E. Mahoney, Ragab Khir, Zhongli Pan*, Bengang Wu, Haile   Ma. Liming Zhao. Effectiveness of pulsed light treatment for degradation and   detoxification of aflatoxin B1 and B2 in rough rice and rice bran. Food   Control. 2016, 59: 461-467.
  4.Zhang Y., Wang Bei, Zhou, C., Atungulu, G. G., Kangkang Xu, Ma, H.*, &   Abdualrahman, M. A. (2015). Surface topography, Nano-mechanics and Secondary   structure of wheat gluten pretreated by alternate dual-frequency ultrasound and   the correlation to enzymolysis. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2016, 31: 267-275.
  5.Zhang Y, Ma H*, Wang Bei, Qu W, Wali A, Zhou C. Relationships between the   structure of wheat gluten and ACE inhibitory activity of hydrolysate:   Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. Journal of the Science of Food   and Agriculture. 2016, 96(10): 3313-3320.
  6.Jin J., Ma, H*, Wang Bei, Yagoub, A. E. G. A., Wang, K., He, R., &   Zhou, C. Effects and mechanism of dual-frequency power ultrasound on the   molecular weight distribution of corn gluten meal hydrolysates. Ultrasonics   Sonochemistry, 2016, 30: 44-51.
  Year 2015
  1.Bei Wang, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Ragab Khir, Jingjing Geng, Haile Ma*,   Yunliang Li, Bengang Wu. Ultrasonic treatment effect on enzymolysis kinetics   and activities of ACE-inhibitory peptides from oat-isolated protein. Food   Biophysics. 2015, 10(3): 244-252.
  2.Yunliang Li, Bei Wang, Henan Zhang, Zhigao Wang, Shanying Zhu, Haile Ma*.   High-level expression of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptide   Tuna AI as tandem multimer in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). Process   Biochemistry, 2015, 50(4): 545-552.
  3.Yanyan Zhang, Haile Ma*, Bei Wang, Effects of ultrasound pretreatment on   the enzymolysis and structural characterization of wheat gluten. Food   Biophysics. 2015, 10(4): 385-395
  4.Jian Jin, Haile Ma*, Weiwei Wang, Min Luo, Bei Wang, Wenjuan Qu, Ronghai   He, John Owusu, Yunliang Li. Effects and mechanism of ultrasound pretreatment   on rapeseed protein enzymolysis. Journal of the Science of Food and   Agriculture, 2016, 96: 1159-1166.
  5.Dongyan Shao, Chandrasekar Venkitasamy, Xuan Li, Zhongli Pan*, Junling Shi,   Bei Wang, Hui Ean Teh, T.H. McHugh. Thermal and storage characteristics of   tomato seed oil. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2015, 63(1): 191-197
  Year 2014
  1.Bei Wang, Ragab Khir, Zhongli Pan*, Hamed El-Mashad, Griffiths G. Atungulu,   Haile Ma, Tara H. McHugh, Wenjuan Qu, Bengang Wu. Effective disinfection of   rough rice using infrared radiation heating. Journal of Food Protection,   2014, 77(9): 1538-1545.
  2.Gokhan Bingol, Bei Wang, Ang Zhang, Zhongli Pan*, Tara H. McHugh.   Comparison of water and infrared blanching methods for processing performance   and final product quality of French fries. Journal of Food Engineering, 2014,   121:135-142.
  3.Bengang Wu, Haile Ma*, Wenjuan Qu, Bei Wang, Xin Zhang, Peilan Wang, Juan   Wang, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Zhongli Pan*. Catalytic infrared and hot air   dehydration of carrot slices. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2014,   37(2): 111-121.
  4.Bengang Wu, Zhongli Pan*, Wenjuan Qu, Bei Wang, Juan Wang, Haile Ma**.   Effect of simultaneous infrared dry-blanching and dehydration on quality   characteristics of carrot slices, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2014,   57: 90-98.
  5.Bengang Wu, Haile Ma*, Zhongli Pan, Juan Wang, Wenjuan Qu, Bei Wang. Drying   and quality characteristics and models of carrot slices under catalytic   infrared heating, International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2014,   23(2): 70-79

Main Scientific Research Projects

1.National   Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth Scholars: Mechanisms of   apoptosis of aflatoxin-producing Aspergillus flavus caused by photo-thermal   effect of high intensity pulsed light31601516),2017/01-2019/12PI
  2.High-level university special project: outstanding young backbone teachers   of the “Youth Talent Cultivation Program”, 2017, PI
  3.Scientific Research Foundation Research for Advanced Talents of Jiangsu   University: Mechanism of apoptosis of pathogenic bacteria under pulsed light
  4.Jiangsu Province Natural Science Foundation for Young Scholars: Mechanism   of apoptosis and reactivation of foodborne pathogenic bacteria under pulsed   light
BK20150499),2015/7-2018/7 PI
  5.Development of catalytic infrared emitter and its application in drying of   agricultural products (BZ2017034) 2017/7-2019/6, PI
  6.National Key Research and Development Program of China: Development of key   technologies for green/physical field sterilization of instant food   condiments


1.A method for   raisin pulse strong light sterilization201810996479.6
  2.A new method for resource development and utilization of potato residue
  3.Propolis supercritical CO2  extract GC-MS fingerprint and construction   method

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Third Prize of   2018 Teaching Competition, School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu   University
  Participated in the "Food Color Chemistry" won the Key Textbook of   Jiangsu higher education institutions in 2018

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated


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