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Zhou Yue

NameZhou Yue

Technical postAssociate Professor, Ph.D.

AddressSchool of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University,   Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province



Ph.D. 2013,   Food Science,Jiangsu University, China

M.S. 2000,   Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, China

B.S. 1995,   Plant Protection, Northwestern Agri. University,China

Professional   Experience

2015-2018,   Postdoctor, Food Science & Technology, Dalian Polytechnic   University,China

2000-2002,   Agri.Eng., Qingdao Agricultural University, China

2003-present,   Jiangsu University,China

Scientific Research Field

Food   Nutritional function on anti-aging activity; Agricultural products processing   and comprehensive utilization

Social academic post and honor

Member of   Chinese society of biochemistry and molecular biology

Teaching Courses

Biochemistry,   Biostatistics and Data Analysis, Botany for undergraduate students

Food Nutrition   and Metabolism for doctoral candidates

Published   papers

1.Yue Zhou,   Qinggang Xu, Xinghua Zhou, Shuang Song, Beiwei Zhu*, Stress resistance and   lifespan extension of Caenorhabditis elegans enhanced by peptides from mussel   (Mytilus edulis) protein hydrolyzate, Food & Function, 2018, 9:3313-3320

2. Shu Yun   Zhu*, Ning Jiang, Jing Yang, Jie Tu, Yue Zhou, Xiang Xiao, Ying Dong, Silybum   marianum oil attenuates hepatic steatosis and oxidative stress in high fat   diet-fed mice, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2018, 100: 191-197

3. ZHU   Shuyun*, ZHOU Yue, XIAO Xiang, DONG Ying, ZHU Shenghu, Antioxidant activity   in vitro of Silybum marianum seed oil and its protective effect on oxidative   damage in mice, Food Science, 2018, 39(5): 234-238

4. Y. Zhou, Q.   XuY. Dong*, S. Zhu, S. Song, N. Sun, Supplementation of   mussel peptides reduces aging phenotype, lipid deposition and oxidative   stress in d-galactose-induce aging mice, Journal of Nutrition Health &   Aging, 2017, 21(10):1314-1320

5. Zhu Shu   Yun*, Jiang Ning, Tu Jie, Yang Jing, Zhou Yue, Antioxidant and anti-aging   activities of Silybum marianum protein hydrolysate in mice treated with   D-galactose, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2017, 30(9):623-631

6. Yue Zhou,   Ying Dong*, Qinggang Xu, Shuyun Zhu, Shilei Tian, Jingjing Huo, Tingting Hao,   Beiwei Zhu, Mussel oligopeptides protect human fibroblasts from hydrogen   peroxide (H2O2)-induced premature senescence ,Archives of Gerontology and   Geriatrics, 2014, 58(2):293-299

7. Shu Yun   Zhu, Ying Dong*, Jie Tu, Yue Zhou, Xing Hua Zhou,Bin Xu, Silybum marianum oil   attenuates oxidative stress and ameliorates mitochondrial dysfunction in mice   treated with D-galactose, Pharmacognosy Magazine,2014,10(37):92-99

8.Yue Zhou,   Ying Dong*, Qinggang Xu ,Yuanqing He, Shilei Tian, Shuyun Zhu, Ying Zhu,   Xiuping Dong, Mussel oligopeptides ameliorate cognition deficit and attenuate   brain senescence in D-galactose-induced aging mice , Food and chemical   toxicology,2013,59:412-420

9. Shuyun   Zhu*,Ying Dong, Jie Tu, Yue Zhou, Chunhua Dai. Amino acid composition and in   vitro digestibility of protein isolates from Silybum marianum , Journal of   Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013,11(1): 136-140

10. Zhou Yue,   Mo Jianchu, Chen Keping , Xu Qinggang*, Isolation and characterization of   P450 gene from the termite, Coptotermes formosanus, Sociobiology,   2012,59(4):1121-1135

Main Scientific Research Projects

1. National   key R & D plan "blue granary science and technology   innovation": New technology and product development of high quality   biological processing of aquatic products, 2019/11-2022/12

2. National   Natural Science Foundation: Study on the mechanism of permethrin to promote   fat accumulation through endoplasmic reticulum stress, 2019/01-2021/12

3. National   modern agricultural industry technology system characteristic freshwater fish   by-product comprehensive utilization post scientist project: 2017/03-2021/12

4. Nature Fund   of Jiangsu ProvinceStudy on the synergistic regulation of protein aggregation   and interfacial properties by dual frequency ultrasound and ionic liquid,   2017/07-2020/06


1.Ying Dong,   Yue Zhou, Fang Fang Sun  Preparation and application of enzymatic   hydrolysates from oyster2013.5.08ChinaZL201010268704.9

2.Ying Dong,    Yue ZhouPreparation and application of mussel oligopeptide 2013.8.07ChinaZL201310343042.0

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision

Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated

May 2020

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