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Cui Yi

NameCui Yi

Technical postQualified associate professor; Master supervisor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Room 413



2017.07-2021.03 School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, PhD

2009.09-2012.06 School of Life Science, Hunan University, MSc

2005.09-2009.06 School of Life Science, Central South University of Forestry & Technology, BSc

Professional Experience

2021/09-Now, Jiangsu University, Qualified Associate Professor

Scientific Research Field

Algae biotechnology

Social academic post and honor

Reviewer of more than ten scientific journals.

Teaching Courses

Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Genetic engineering, Food Additives, Food Ingredients

Published papers

1. Cui Yi, Thomas-Hall Skye, Chua Elvis, Schenk Peer. Development of a Phaeodactylum tricornutum biorefinery to sustainably produce omega-3 fatty acids and protein,Journal of Cleaner Production,2021, 300, 126839.

2. Cui Yi, Thomas-Hall Skye, Schenk Peer. Phaeodactylum tricornutum microalgae as a rich source of omega-3 oil: Progress in lipid induction techniques towards industry adoption,Food Chemistry, 2019, 297, 124937.

3. Cui Yi, Thomas-Hall Skye, Chua Elvis, Schenk Peer. Development of high‐level omega‐3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) production from Phaeodactylum tricornutum,Journal of Phycology, 2020, 57(1), 258-268.

4. Cui Yi, Thomas-Hall Skye, Schenk Peer. Isolation and cultivation of a Phaeodactylum tricornutum strain from the East Coast of Australia for EPA production,Geol Earth Mar Sci,2020, 2(2), 1–7.

5. Cui Yi, Ye Jiazhuo, Guo Xinhong, Chang Hongping, Yuan Congying, Wang Yu, Hu shuai, 投注平台 Xuanming, Li Xiushan. Arabidopsis Casein Kinase 1-like 2 involved in abscisic acid signal transduction pathways,Journal of Plant Interactions,2014, 9(1), 19-25.

6. Cui Yi, Thomas-Hall Skye, Chua Elvis, Schenk Peer. Development of high-level omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) production from Phaeodactylum tricornutum microalgae. TropAg2019 International Tropical Agriculture Conference, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia, 2019.11.10-2019.11.13

7. Kayani Sadaf-Ilyas, Jin Nana, Cui Yi, Zan Xinyi, Hu Xinjuan, Xu Xiangru, Zhu Feifei, Zhang Cunsheng, Huo Shuhao. Enhancing biomass productivity towards carbohydrates and fatty acids biosynthesis under the effects of magneto-electric composite fields on filamentous algae. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2023. 174:106841.

8. Kumar Santosh, Kubar Ameer Ali, Zhu Feifei, Shao Cong, Cui Yi, Hu Xinjuan, Ni Jiheng, Shah Muhammad Abdur Rehman, Ding Shengjie, Mehmood Shahid, Huo Shuhao. Sunlight filtered via translucent-colored polyvinyl chloride sheets enhanced the light absorption capacity and growth of Arthrospira platensis cultivated in a pilot-scale raceway pond. Bioresource Technology. 2023, 386, 129501.

9. Kayani Sadaf-Ilyas, Rahmanb Saeed-ur, Shen Qian, Cui Yi, 投注平台 Wei, Hu Xinjuan, Zhu Feifei, Huo Shuhao. Molecular approaches to enhance astaxanthin biosynthesis; future outlook: engineering of transcription factors in Haematococcus pluvialis. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2023 DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2023.2208284.

10. Wang Feng, Yu Xiaolei, Yu Zhuo, Cui Yi, Xu Ling, Huo Shuhao, Ding Zhongyang, Zhao Liting, Du Lizhi, Qiu Yanguo. Improved laccase production by Trametes versicolor using Copper-Glycyl-L-Histidyl-L-Lysine as a novel and high-efficient inducer. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2023, 11:1176352.

11. Sobhi Mostafa, Zakaria Eman, Zhu Feifei, 投注平台 Wei, Aboagye Dominic, Hu Xinjuan, Cui Yi, Huo Shuhao. Advanced microbial protein technologies are promising for supporting global food-feed supply chains with positive environmental impacts. Science of The Total Environment. 2023, 894, 165044.

12. Wang Huiying, Hu Xinjuan, Shao Cong, Elshobary Mostafa, Zhu Feifei, Cui Yi, Zhang Cunsheng, Ni Jiheng, Huo Shuhao. Optimizing mixotrophic cultivation of oil-rich Tribonema minus using volatile fatty acids and glycerin: A promising approach for pH-controlling and enhancing lipid productivity,Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 402,136733.

13. Kubar Ameer Ali, Kumar Santosh, 投注平台 Wei, Cui Yi, Zhu Feifei, Xu Xiangru, Shao Cong, Hu Xinjuan, Yaa Akyea Prempeh Nama, Huo Shuhao. Numerical simulation of vortex flow field generated in a novel Nested-bottled photobioreactor to improve Arthrospira platensis growth. Bioresource Technology. 2023, 128710.

14. Wang Huiying, Hu Xinjuan, Cui Yi, Sobhi Mostafa, Xu Xiangru, Zan Xinyi, Zhu Feifei, Ni Jiheng, Elshobary Mostafa, Huo Shuhao. Oil-rich filamentous algae cultivation in anaerobic digestate effluent: Inhibition effect of undissociated fatty acids, Algal Research, 2023, 69,102964.

15. Zhu Feifei, Chen Xiu, Cui Yi, Hu Xinjuan, Qian Jingya, Wang Feng, Kubar Ameer Ali, Xu Ling, Huo Shuhao. Weak magnetic field intervention on outdoor production of oil-rich filamentous microalgae: Influence of seasonal changes. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 348, 126707.

16. Kubar Ameer Ali, Jin Nana, Cui Yi, Hu Xinjuan, Qian Jingya, Zan Xinyi, Zhang Cunsheng, Zhu Feifei, Kumar Santosh, Huo Shuhao. Magnetic/electric field intervention on oil-rich filamentous algae production in the application of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene based wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 356, 127272.

17. Wang Feng, Yu Xiaolei, Cui Yi, Xu Ling, Huo Shuhao, Ding Zhongyang, Hu Qiaofeng, Xie Weijiao, Xiao Haitao, Zhang Dezhi. Efficient extraction of phycobiliproteins from dry biomass of Spirulina platensis using sodium chloride as extraction enhancer. Food Chemistry,2022,135005.

18. Zheng Hongjing, Chen Jing, Hu Xinjuan, Zhu Feifei, Kubarb AmeerAli, Zan Xinyi, Cui Yi, Zhang Cunsheng, Huo Shuhao. Biomass production of carbohydrate-rich filamentous microalgae coupled with treatment and nutrients recovery from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene based wastewater: Synergistic enhancement with low carbon dioxide supply strategy. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 349, 126829.

Main Scientific Research Projects

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2022M711379)

Startup Foundation of Jiangsu University for Senior Talents (5501360018)


7 China invention patents have been authorized

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

"Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctorate" in Jiangsu Province

Number of postgraduates under supervision


Number of supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of supervised undergraduates


The above information updated:

Nov. 2023

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